Taking Root Family Day - Camden Art Centre

Taking Root Family Day

Saturday 15 February
2.00 – 4.30pm

Families are invited to immerse themselves in a world of imaginative play with artist Shona Handley, making costumes and props for games and play activities that will be invented throughout the year.

Taking Root is an ongoing project set in Camden Arts Centre's garden, utilising the outdoors as a site for playful learning, making art and reflecting on spaces and environments around us. Through artist-led activities, children and families can work on large scale and site specific pieces that respond to the natural ecology of the garden.

Each season until summer 2014, artist Shona Handley will be working with Year 1 and Reception classes from Holy Trinity Primary School to look at the idea of imaginative play through the construction of costumes for creatures and objects that inhabit the garden. Each school workshop will be closely followed by a family day for the pupils, their families and members of the public to come together and develop activities further in an intergenerational setting.

Please book a free place for each member of your family